Alan Tudge MP Visits Massons Healthcare
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On Friday, March 10 2021, Massons Healthcare (Massons) hosted a visit from the Hon Alan Tudge MP, Member for Aston at its Knoxfield premises, in his role as our Federal Member of Parliament.

"We were very pleased to welcome and host Mr Tudge at Massons, where we toured our production and design facilities and highlighted the manufacturing processes undertaken to design, develop, manufacture and service orthotics and prosthetics," said Massons Managing Director, Mr. Anton Karak.

Massons is a privately owned, family-operated Australian company based in Knoxfield, Melbourne providing orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) clinical patient care, manufactured devices, wholesale and retail products and services.

Mr Karak briefed Mr Tudge on the company's growth plans of its CFAB (central fabrication) Centre Of Excellence and the significant investment that Massons Healthcare will commit over the next few years on its manufacturing and fabrication systems (with advanced manufacturing capabilities) and associated education and training programs.

"The size and scale of our investment will increase the value-add in our products, secure existing and create new jobs, improve Massons' competitiveness and productivity, and support our local supply chains," said Mr Karak.

CFAB Manufacturing explained — Using advanced material combinations of plastics a. resins, industry standard machinery and equipment, and advanced fabrication processes, Massons' Central Fabrication Manufacturing team provides efficient production and supply of custom orthotic and prosthetic devices including foot orthotics (insoles), AFOs (ankle foot orthoses), KAFOs (knee ankle foot orthoses), footwear, helmets, spinal bracing, below-knee prosthetic sockets and above-knee prosthetic sockets.

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